About Texas Painter and Artist, Pam Arthur
My first images in life came from my grandmother’s sewing room. It was a place that at certain times each year was indistinguishable from her flower garden---like in the cold of winter, when activity seemed to rest. That was a time when the narrow bed running along the northern hedges became a palette of dried browns, yellowed greens and dead leaves---a palette very similar to her long rectangular work room, blandly decorated in winter hues of greys and dulled tans. No gowns or dresses hung on the dress forms, no bolts of brightly patterned fabrics stacked high on the work table, no chatting from the front fitting room. A pervading stillness---but yet, there was a faint, nearly imperceptible hum, emanating from within and without, something floating about.
Then came spring---and blossoms appeared everywhere. Orangey-pink canna lilies warmed by the sun, ruffled apricot chiffon edged in satin, cascading down a festival gown---ruby red roses dripping with morning dew, a deep red velvet cape adorned with sparkling beads. It was difficult to know where I was standing---in my grandmother’s sewing room or in her flower bed.
These are some of the images I kept from the first four and a half years of my life when I crawled, walked, and rode a small tricycle alongside my grandmother’s flowers or around and around her sewing room---under the long rectangular work table, through the dark cedar closet full of discarded gowns and furs, bumping into the adjustable dress forms and floor mirrors. The many lines---straight, curved, angled, curled---the varied shapes---circular, square, triangular, oblong, plump and sleek---and the hues that came to life because of my grandmother’s capable fingers---all rooted in my unconscious. I love to visit these images---for comfort and for artistic inspiration.
While my degrees are in English and philosophy and my experience in education, my grandmother left her mark within me. I love to create with lines and color and textures. I have studied under superb Austin and Texas artists since my retirement from teaching---and with each class I am overwhelmed by how much there is to learn!
For more original artwork by Pam, visit
Acrylic on board 2016